Count Duckula

Count Duckula
Count Duckula Portrait

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Count Duckula Cool Quiz

  • Q1: What's Count Duckula's favourite food?
  • Q2: What's Count Duckula's Spanish cousin called?
  • Q3 What is the name of the werewolf?
  • Q4 What is the name of the pub in the village?
  • Q5 When does Castle Duckula return to Transylvania?
  • Q6 What is the name of the local newspaper?
  • Q7 What name did Count Duckula and Nanny give to the Amazonian blood fruit bat that Igor caught?

Answers to Cool Quiz

  • A1: Broccoli sandwiches
  • A2: Don Diego
  • A3 Towser
  • A4 The Tooth and Jugular
  • A5 At dawn
  • A6 Transylvanian Morning Sun
  • A7 Fluffykins

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Welcome to my blog!!

Thank you for looking at my blog. I haven't had many visitors so any will be most welcome. So far, I think the main visitor to my blog is me, but I hope that people will visit it in the future and if anybody does visit please let me know by posting a message.
Please tell me what you think of my blog and if there is anthing you think I could add to it to improve it as I am a novice. I would appreciate any help or guidance or any questions you would like me to answer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE Count Duckula, and I am so glad to have found this site! Even though you say you have little experience with it, I think you are doing alright. I will be checking up again soon. TaTa for now!