Count Duckula

Count Duckula
Count Duckula Portrait

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Count Duckula Cool Quiz

  • Q1: What's Count Duckula's favourite food?
  • Q2: What's Count Duckula's Spanish cousin called?
  • Q3 What is the name of the werewolf?
  • Q4 What is the name of the pub in the village?
  • Q5 When does Castle Duckula return to Transylvania?
  • Q6 What is the name of the local newspaper?
  • Q7 What name did Count Duckula and Nanny give to the Amazonian blood fruit bat that Igor caught?

Answers to Cool Quiz

  • A1: Broccoli sandwiches
  • A2: Don Diego
  • A3 Towser
  • A4 The Tooth and Jugular
  • A5 At dawn
  • A6 Transylvanian Morning Sun
  • A7 Fluffykins

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Count Duckula Quiz

Q1: What's Count Duckula's favourite food?
Q2: What's Count Duckula's Spanish cousin called?
Q3 What is the name of the werewolf?
Q4 What is the name of the pub in the village?
Q5 When does Castle Duckula return to Transylvania?
Q6 What is the name of the local newspaper?
Q7 What name did Count Duckula and Nanny give to the Amazonian blood fruit bat that Igor caught?

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